On 21 June 2018, at the invitation of the Ambassador of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in Vienna, S.E. Roger A. Kacou, and the President of the Austria – Côte d’Ivoire Friendship Society (ACFS), Dr. Christoph Mayer, an Austria – Côte d’Ivoire Investment Forum according to the motto “Côte d’Ivoire – Economic engine of West Africa and the world’s largest cocoa producer” took place in the Grand Hotel Vienna. With the Director-General of the Ivorian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Emmanuel ESSIS, the Director-General of the Ivorian Tourism Agency, S.E. Mr. Jean-Marie SOMET, and the President of the Ivorian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Faman TOURE, high-ranking guest speakers from Abidjan joined the event.
The evening reception, which was Côte d’Ivoire’s first big appearance in Austria, was well attended with more than 85 selected participants, more than half of them from the industry sector and business from Austria.